So it has been a bit of a crazy week for me. I had another exam in Anthropology on Tuesday.. Wednesday I relaxed, Thursday Dress Fitting (BLAH!), Friday HAlloween at work, then trick or treating with the kids, then Saturday was Softball and Soccer for my neice and nephew and then last night was a Halloween party for us adults. So take a deeeeeep breath.. and lets begin..
The Fitting went pretty well.. I really love Maria over at Mariolka;s she is such a delight to work with. We pinned up my bustle and I will go back the first week in december for another fitting.. We are not going to make any adjustments jsut yet since I have been in the gym at least 4 days a week..
On Friday we had a Halloween party at work. Idecided to wear my Amy Winehouse costume and had everyone cracking up. A coworker of mine made a squirrel costume and looked adorable! Unfortunately, on my way to leave my friend Stephanie was there with her baby and of course I wanted to hold him.. Well, that is until he puked all over me. so... I had to run home and think of a costume super fast for trick or treating.. So.. I'm a bride to be, I have veils, I own white dress, I'll be a pregnant bride.. and a cute one I must add... It was hysterical.. the kids kept punching my belly and of course.. I love to shock people so I would yell OW! My BABY! .. I know.. Im a sick individual... Softball was fun.. It really made me remember all the years I spent playing softball, so I got my glove from home and threw around a few balls with Shy shy in the backyard.. She was very excited about it. The Halloween party was great! There was a couple dressed up as a Cop and a donut, Vikings(my sister and brother in law), Hippies (my other sister and brother in law), Arabian prince and princess, Spartan and his wife, Gangster, and me.. Amy Winehouse.. needle in my arm and all lol.. I won first place YAY!! I will post pics as soon as I have them!
Btw... The RSVPs have been rolling in slowly but surely... I am very excited!!! two months come Monday!!! and I still have LOTS to do. My ring, rent chairs, finalize food with caterer, mens outfits (which we are going to look at today) We will get there though! Have a Great Sunday! -